2025. február 23., vasárnap - Alfréd


Colliers Wins PM Tender of Skanskas Green House

2012-10-03 633
 Colliers International has been awarded the property management of its 17,800 sq m Green House office building, currently under construction near the Váci út office corridor of Budapest, Hungary – informed Colliers and Skanska the OGH News Agency.
The LEED Platinum pre-certified building will be completed by the end of 2012 with the first tenants scheduled to move in before Christmas. As part of the cooperation, Colliers International will provide comprehensive property management services for the building, which is over 60% pre-leased to ABB, Avis Budget Group BSC, Skanska Property Hungary, and Isys-On.

 “We are delighted to win this assignment, our first one in Budapest with hopefully many more to come. Green House is an extremely interesting building from a professional point of view, applying the most modern and suitable building solutions that create an ultra-modern working environment with a very competitive service charge structure.” - emphasized Tim Hulzebos, Managing Director of Colliers International Hungary.

“Our great collaboration with Colliers International - both in Hungary and other countries of the CEE region, such as Poland – created a firm foundation for this cooperation. We look forward to Colliers International Hungary providing high quality property management services in our energy-efficient and future-proof office building, Green House.” - underlined Grzegorz Strutynski, Managing Director of Skanska Property Hungary Ltd.

OGH News Agency

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